BIMA Bistro has switched to its fall hours: Monday-Saturday, open 10am-4pm. Closed Sundays.

Artist’s Books Drop In Demo: Jacob’s Ladder
Past Event

Play with paper engineering while you make a magical, truly interactive book! In this drop-in, no-experience-needed workshop, you’ll make a Jacob’s Ladder style book with hidden panels and surprising revelations. You’ll learn some core skills to experiment with books that move, flip, and fold.

Drop-in  |  No registration required


About the instructor:

Becky Johnston (she/her) is an educator and book artist in Seattle, WA. She is passionate about empowering book artists of all ages and abilities to explore and give voice to their unique vision. Her mission is to engage head, heart, and hands to inspire curiosity, wonder and delight, encouraging people to grow as individuals and as a community.


Oct 8, 2022
11:00am – 1:00pm


Sherry Grover Gallery
