Double Feature: Gather & Honor Thy Mother – smARTfilms: Indigenous Filmmakers/Indigenous Lives
Past Event
Join us for five weeks of films featuring works by Indigenous storytellers from around the world. This series presents ways of being that navigate tradition, modernity, myth, cold reality, humor, and persistence in a world still reckoning with its colonial hangover.
Gather (USA)
2020 | 1h14m | G
Gather is an intimate portrait of the growing movement amongst Native Americans to reclaim their spiritual, political and cultural identities through food sovereignty, while battling the trauma of centuries of genocide.
Honor Thy Mother (USA)
2021 | 31m | G
Honor Thy Mother: the Untold Story of Aboriginal Women and Their Indipino Children is the untold story of Aboriginal women from Canada and Native women from tribes in Washington and Alaska who migrated to Bainbridge Island, the traditional territory of the Suquamish people, in the early 1940s. Many, just released from the Indian Residential Schools, fell in love in the berry fields and married Filipino immigrants. Despite having left their homeland and possible disenfranchisement from their tribes, they settled on the Island to raise their mixed heritage (Indipino) children. Produced by the Indipino Community of Bainbridge Island and Vicinity, a Washington State non-profit, and Stourwater Pictures.
Learn more about Honor Thy Mother or purchase your own copy here: http://stourwater.com/films/honor-thy-mother/
smARTfilm series offers two film showings each day!
Matinee: 2pm
Evening: 7pm
Series Passes – $40 Member | $48 Non-Member
See all five films for the price of four!
Series pass holders are entitled to attend one showing per film (five total showings per series pass). Series pass holders can use their pass at their choice of either the matinee or evening showing for each film. Simply show up at your desired showing and we’ll check you off our list!
Individual Tickets – $10 Member | $12 Non-Member
BIMA requires proof of full COVID-19 vaccination for all attendees of programs held in the Frank Buxton Auditorium or BIMA Classroom. Masks are required for all attendees regardless of vaccination status. Learn more about this policy here.
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