MLK Celebration: With Liberty & Justice, For Whom?
Past Event

Kitsap ERACE, Living Arts Cultural Heritage Project, and other local social justice organizations return to BIMA for this year’s youth-led and youth-developed Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration. We will examine the contemporary impact of Dr. King’s legacy and how he inspired a new generation of youth leaders, activists, and artists. Featuring poetry, dance, presentations, music, singing, and community voices, this event captures the energy, excitement, and earnest exuberance of modern-day dreams of social justice.

This year’s Bainbridge celebration theme is “With Liberty and Justice for Whom?” No registration needed, all are welcome. Come and celebrate!

12 PM – Villaging for Justice: A gathering of Kitsap organizations working for social justice. Come connect and engage with the people working for a just Kitsap and learn about all the powerful work being done across our county.

There will also be three special pop up activities to deepen perspectives of the issues:

12-2:30 PM – Zineing for Justice Pop-In: Create your own Justice Zine led by youth activist Keshonda Allen.

12:30-1:30 PM – Community Visioning Circle: Sit in Circle to listen and share our collective dreams. Facilitated by Circle Facilitators, Wayne Houston and Debby Haase

1-2 PM – Practicing the Dream: Courageous Conversation led by the renowned Kitsap educator, J.D. Sweet.

1-5 PM – Social Justice Through Art Workshop, Celebrating the Legacy of Dr. King Explore social justice through dance, paint, poetry, and spoken word. Led by Kitsap Black Student Union Executive Director, Jewel Shepherd-Sampson. See BIMA website to RSVP for this special workshop.

2:30 PM – With Liberty and Justice for Whom? Program Poetry, spoken word, musical offerings, presentations, and African dance performances will highlight the theme and lift the spirit. Free program. Register online at to ensure a seat as this event often fills up.

Cory Bennett Anderson (Poulsbo), <i>“Have a Dream” MLK Jr</i>, 2020, 36″h x 24″w, Courtesy of the Artist


Jan 19, 2025
2:30pm – 5:00pm


BIMA Auditorium



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