smARTfilms: Black Excellence – I Am Not Your Negro
Past Event
Join BIMA for smARTfilms: Black Excellence, five weeks of film curated by Sade McInnis.
Matinee: 2:00 PM (Does not include facilitated discussion)
Evening: 7:30 PM
Featured Film – I Am Not Your Negro
PG-13 | 1 h 35 m | Documentary | 2016
Based on James Baldwin’s last literary work ‘Remember This House’, this film takes you on a journey through black history, connecting the civil rights movement to today’s #blacklivesmatter movement and exploring the lives and assassinations of Baldwin’s dear friendsMedgar Evers, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, Jr. The manuscript for ‘Remember This House’ was never completed as Baldwin died in 1987 before he could finish it. Filmmaker Raoul Peck took Baldwin’s words and brought them back to the surface in this powerful documentary.
“This Oscar-nominated portrait of James Baldwin uses the author’s words to bridge the civil-rights past with our racially incendiary present. It’s unmissable and unforgettable.” -Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
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