BIMA Bistro has switched to its fall hours: Monday-Saturday, open 10am-4pm. Closed Sundays.

Header for Indigenous Filmmaker series

smARTfilms Club post-series forum: Indigenous Filmmakers
Past Event

Special Guests Sandy Johnson Osawa and Yasu Osawa talk about starting and running a Native film production company, how they develop topics for their films, and the importance of Native storytelling.

Sandy Johnson Osawa (Makah) and Yasu Osawa met at UCLA’s graduate film program for minority students in the 70’s. Forty years later, they have produced a ten-part series on American Indian issues for NBC, five documentaries for PBS/TLC, and a one hour NBC special on treaty rights plus over 60 videos for museums, tribes and organizations. They formed their own production company in Seattle in 1980 and have exhibited their work both nationally and internationally. Their work is used in college classrooms from Harvard to Berkeley, California and is distributed by Upstream Productions at


Nov 30, 2022





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