CANCELED – smARTfilms: Poetry in Motion – Before Night Falls
Past Event
This event has been canceled. Thank you for your understanding.
In celebration of National Poetry Month, smARTfilms: Poetry In Motion tips a hat to the poets who enrich and infuse our worlds with the rhythm, words, images, abstraction and depth of poems. Curated by Jesse Ziebart.
Matinee: 2:00 PM (Does not include facilitated discussion)
Evening: 7:30 PM
Featured Film – Before Night Falls
R | 133 mins | Dir. Julien Schnabel | 2002
A richly imagined journey into the life and writings of brilliant Cuban author and exile Reinaldo Arenas. It spans the whole of Arenas’ life, from his rural childhood and his early embrace of the Revolution to the persecution he would later experience as a writer and homosexual in Castro’s Cuba; from his departure from Cuba in the Mariel Harbor exodus of 1980 to his exile and death in the United States.
Mar 17, 2020
Frank Buxton Auditorium
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