Steamroller Printing with Wayzgoose Kitsap
Past Event
Wayzgoose Kitsap is on a mission to excite, engage and strengthen the greater Kitsap community through the power of art. Their annual festival aims to make art more accessible, of the people, by the people and for the people: Big art. Made in the streets. With love in their hearts.
The first known Wayzgoose, thrown in 1681, was a summer feast hosted by a Letterpress Printer for his Print Shop employees. The printing community embraced this annual tradition, often sharing a harvest goose… hence the name, Wayzgoose.
Today, the Wayzgoose has been reimagined as a public arts event at which large, three by three-foot relief prints are made by driving a steamroller over a sandwich of carved linoleum, ink, and paper. This event is lively, fun and family-friendly, open to all.
Free, all are welcome.
Drop by any time, no registration necessary.
1:00pm – 4:00pm
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