Four-Color Reality: How Comic Books and the Real World Shape Each Other with T. Andrew Wahl
Past Event
Since their debut in the 1930s, comic books have been a regular part of our pop-culture landscape. While often dismissed as escapist entertainment, these pulp treasures also provide a fascinating lens through which to view our nation’s past, present and potential future.
In this interactive presentation, journalist and educator T. Andrew Wahl explores how everything from social movements to business concerns to changing demographics have shaped the reality seen in the pages of comics. Drawing from comics including Black Panther, Wonder Woman, Captain America, and others, Wahl shows how four-color heroes aren’t merely confined to paper—they shape the world we live in.
T. Andrew Wahl is a journalist who has worked as an editor and editorial cartoonist. Wahl is a lifelong comic book aficionado, focusing on the Bronze Age (1975-85) of the American comic book. Wahl studied comic-books as a part of his MA in the humanities at Fort Hays State University. He currently teaches journalism at Everett Community College.
Wahl lives in Stanwood.
(This event was previously titled Superhero America: The Comic-Book Character as Historical Lens with T. Andrew Wahl)
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