The Second Mother – smARTfilms: Make Me Smile Series
Past Event
Join us for four weeks of films featuring gentle comedies with wit and absurdities, some pathos, and affability! The Make Me Smile Series is designed with that sole purpose in mind—to make us smile! As the perfect balm for the Pacific Northwest’s grey, December days, these films are a solid way to get ready for the holiday season and a most amusing way to end the Year 2021.
FEATURED FILM – The Second Mother (Brazil)
2015 | 1h52m | R
Actress Regina Case is a delight as a live-in housekeeper whose daughter shows up, upsetting the natural order of her – and her employer’s – life. Written & directed by Anna Muylaert, THE SECOND MOTHER is both funny and poignant. The film subverts conventions – both cinematic and social – and some characters are forever changed by the end of the movie.
“It’s the funny, edgy, engaging tale of a maid who must cope with the small-minded employer, a headstrong daughter, and a changing social fabric which is harder to handle than the endless laundry she hangs on the clothesline.” – San Francisco Chronicle
smARTfilm series offers two film showings each day!
Matinee: 2pm
Evening: 7pm
Series Passes – $30 Member | $36 Non-Member
See all four films for the price of three!
Series pass holders are entitled to attend one showing per film (five total showings per series pass). Series pass holders can use their pass at their choice of either the matinee or evening showing for each film. Simply show up at your desired showing and we’ll check you off our list!
Individual Tickets – $10 Member | $12 Non-Member
BIMA requires proof of full COVID-19 vaccination for all attendees of programs held in the Frank Buxton Auditorium or BIMA Classroom. Masks are required for all attendees regardless of vaccination status. Learn more about this policy here.
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Trailer: The Second Mother
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