smARTfilms: A 2020 Look at the New Decade
These 5 documentaries take a look at where we are today on this planet in terms of cultural connection, capitalism & jobs, our connection withand dependence onnature, and the human effect upon our world. Curated by tj Faddis.
smARTfilm series offers two film showings each day!
Matinee: 2:00 PM (Does not include facilitated discussion)
Evening: 7:30 PM
Series Passes – $32 Members | $38 Non-Members
See all five films for the price of four!
Series pass holders are entitled to attend one showing per film (five total showings per series pass). Series pass holders can use their pass at their choice of either the matinee or evening showing for each film. Simple show up at your desired showing and we’ll check you off our list!
To purchase a series pass for all films, CLICK HERE!
Individual Tickets – $10 Members | $12 Non-Members | Students free
For tickets to individual films, check out the event pages below.