Within/Earshot Jazz Festival 2020
BIMA’s annual festival celebrating all things jazz is back this October! The 2020 Within/Earshot Jazz Festival has gone entirely online, with most events streaming for free for all to view. With concerts, lectures, workshops, and more, this festival is sure to have something for every jazz cat out there!
How will you watch the events?
Most events will be streamed on our Facebook and YouTube pages for all to access, unless otherwise noted on the event pages. Links to access the streams will be available on our website just before the event begins, as well as in email reminders about the events. Be sure to RSVP to events you’re interested in so we can remind you to tune in just before the program begins!
Want to show a little support for Within/Earshot Jazz Festival?
Drop a few dollars in BIMA’s virtual jazz donation jar here to keep quality programming coming during these times when we can’t host in-person events. Consider making a gift of $25, the typical cost of a Within/Earshot ticket!
Festival Sponsors